About Claire Adams: Claire is a personal and professional development expert, and a proud aunt of 5 precious, little gems. Being an aunt of 5 with a strong desire to have her own little darlings one day, she has  been quite immersed in the whole child care story and is quite familiar with the most common challenges parents are facing daily.


The Building Blocks of Children’s Success in School

One of the most important tasks that each parent faces is laying the right foundation for their child’s success later in life. This success depends greatly on how we prepare our children for school and what kind of support we provide during their education.

Facilitating this process is not easy, but at the same time, it could be one of the most rewarding things a person has done in their lifetime. So, let’s take a look at some important aspects of creating the best possible conditions for children to succeed in school and, hopefully, in life after school.

Show interest

If a parent doesn’t show that they care about what their child is learning, the child might easily lose interest in learning and become demotivated. That’s why it’s important to show you care, regardless of how busy or tired you may be.

If your child knows they are not alone in this process, they’ll definitely perform better and without so much burden on their shoulders. School subjects are already difficult enough and there is no reason to make learning more difficult than necessary.

Photo by delfi de la Rua on Unsplash

Literacy development

Being one of the basic and most important life skills, literacy should be given priority over all other skills, since the limits of our words are the limits of our world. If you feel like you need some help in this process, you can always go for dependable English tutoring services available throughout the country. They will customise the tutoring to suit the child and help them with reading, comprehension, writing, spelling and grammar.

Encourage exploration

Family adventures are a great way of stimulating a child’s curiosity. Visits to museums and similar interesting places create environments where children are exposed to various types of stimuli. It’s important to follow up such visits with discussions about what they saw and how they felt. Praise them for every single thing they learned and encourage them to connect that newly acquired knowledge with their present or future.

Photo by Les Anderson on Unsplash

Provide enough time for rest

This is extremely important since children’s brains need enough time to rest, process everything that has happened and what they’ve learned. You also want them to be fresh to get up in the morning and be prepared for a new day. If they are tired and didn’t get enough sleep the night before, they are likely to be unable to focus and concentrate.

Establish a daily routine

Make sure you know your child’s weekly schedule both at school and when it comes to their extracurricular activities. That’ll help you help prepare yourself and the child for the day and your child will be getting accustomed to having regular obligations. As a result, they will learn about managing their time.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Keep in touch with other parents

This tip is valuable because you can’t rely only on your child’s perception of what’s happening in the classroom, particularly if there are some problems. Touching base with other parents will help you get a better picture and understanding of what is really happening, which will, in turn, make it easier for you to prepare an appropriate reaction.

Encourage social skills

Your child should know that there’s nothing shameful about not knowing something, which is why you should teach them to ask for explanation or clarification every time they don’t understand something. Additionally, insist on manners and social skills and on your child using “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me.” Finally, allow your child to prepare for some more stressful social events, such as a show-and-tell, by allowing them to practice at home and get used to speaking in front of a group of people.

Photo by Jason Wong on Unsplash

Set up a learning environment

Your child needs to learn to put all the things they use back to where they belong, thus keeping their room and desk neat and tidy. The same approach should be applied to clothes. Never let your child leave their clothes all over the place in the evening, because it’ll mean that you’ll have problems finding the clothes in the morning.

Having a regular spot where they can do their homework, with enough daylight, where they can sit up straight and work in peace is crucial. If you can’t afford such a space, let them sit at the kitchen table, for example, because the last thing you want is to have your child slouching on the couch.


There are quite a few elements that require your attention when it comes to providing optimal circumstances for your child’s success in school, but you should approach them in a relaxed and natural way and avoid being too ambitious and strict. After all, you child is going through this phase of life only once and you don’t want them to remember it as stressful and agonising.

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